Our Psychedelics Industry Group has been holding “Deep Dive” webinars on the last Thursday of each month. However, we have learned that the next installment of the Oregon Health Authority’s draft rules will be published at some point during the next four weeks, probably in late August or early September. Each September Rules Advisory Committee (RAC) charged with reviewing and revising each initial OHA draft rule package will be meet 2-3 times between September 12 and September 30, and we are told that the OHA will publish the initial draft rules at least a week before the RACs convene.
Given the importance of the forthcoming rules, we want to hold our next Deep Dive webinar on the draft rules soon (probably a few days) after they are published. Consequently, we will postpone the August 25th Deep Dive webinar until after the OHA publishes the initial draft rules. We will announce the date of our next Deep Dive webinar promptly after the OHA publishes the drat rules.
In the meantime, if you have questions concerning the Oregon Psilocybin Services Act or any other laws involving psilocybin, entheogenic plants, or psychedelics in general, please contact attorneys Dave Kopilak, Kathryn Tucker, Sean Clancy, Kaci Hohmann, Alex Berger, Corinne Celko, or Russ Rotondi from our Psychedelics Industry Group.